years ago, Scott Adams, the creator of "Dilbert," was one of roughly 8,000 employees
working at the San Ramon office of Pacific Bell. During many of those years, Dani
and I were consulting regularly at the same San Ramon building, often in Scott's
department. Thus, Scott and I were exposed to the same replicated cubicles, the
same idiotic memos, the same pointy-haired bosses -- in short, the same cultural
craziness. But from those experiences, Scott created a comic strip that entertained
millions and made him rich and famous. I often ask myself, "Why Scott? Why not
his tenure at PacBell, Scott was gathering fieldstones for his "Dilbert" wall,
but I was gathering fieldstones at PacBell to use in my software engineering books.
Around that same time, I actually tried to write a cartoon strip -- "Bugsy Coder"
-- based on similar materials drawn from the same source. If success had been
a matter of who had the better source of fieldstones, I should have been the clear
winner. I was a consultant, and PacBell was only one of many clients, while Scott
was confined to gathering from one building. So, the difference couldn't have
been in our sources.