The Law of Strawberry Jam: As long as it has lumps, you can
never spread it too thin. The Mercenary Maxim: One of the best ways
to lose lots of money is to do something only for the money. Polanski's
Personal Pointer: Whenever you believe that a subject has nothing for you,
it probably has something for you. The Golden Lock: I'd like to
learn something new, but what I already know pays too well. Dani's Decider:
When you stop learning new things, it's time to move on. The Dismal
Theorem of Middlemen: Negotiating the heck out of a deal with middlemen is
unlikely to improve your situation, because they're professionals and you're an
amateur. The Happy Theorem: Regardless of the agency's cut, if you're
unhappy, they're impoverished. The Ultimately Dismal Theorem: If
you don't know what you want, you're not very likely to get it. LeGuin's
Law: When action grows unprofitable, gather information. When information
grows unprofitable, sleep. The Detective's First Rule: When you're
looking for problems, don't be mesmerized by the first one you find. The
Nedlog Rule: As they do unto others, they will eventually do unto you.
The Goody Goody Guide: If you must have everyone like you, get out of the
consulting business. Monica's Marvelous Mirror: Negotiating a contract
is a marvelous opportunity for both parties to take a good look at themselves. Kenny's
Law of Auto Repair: The part requiring the most consistent repair or replacement
will be housed in the most inaccessible location. The Heart Test:
If you don't care about them or their problems, don't consult for them. The
Life Law: Better to live succeeding than to die trying. The Informed
Heart Test: If someone requires you to die trying to help them, you don't
want to help them. |