Milestone Articles
of the 1980s— Compiled by DeMarco & Lister
About the Book
Peopleware authors Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister combed through ten years' worth
of software magazines and journals and selected 31 of the best articles on software
The articles, originally published in the 1980s, were chosen for
their insights, readability, and enduring value. More than a dozen sources are
represented, including IEEE Computer, Software Practice & Experience, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, and Communications of the ACM.
Here's a small sample of the landmark papers represented in this convenient
Brooks, "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of
Software Engineering"
Boehm and Papaccio, "Understanding and Controlling
Software Costs"
Humphrey, "Characterizing the Software Process -- AÊMaturity
Curtis, "Fifteen Years of Psychology in SoftwareÊEngineering"
"The Errors of TEX"
Bailey and Basili, "A Meta-Model for Software Development
Resource Expenditures"
Selby, Basili, and Baker, "Cleanroom Software Development"
"Overstructured Management of Software Engineering"
Petschenik, "Practical
Priorities in System Testing"
Jones, "Demographic and Technical Trends
in the Computing Industry"
. . . plus twenty-one more!
"Everyone will have his or her own favorite in
this list (mine is Fred Brooks's 'No Silver Bullet' paper), and there's a good
chance that you will have read (and lost) several of the more familiar titles.
More likely, there will be quite a few that you have been meaning to read but
have been unable to find. Now you have no excuse . . . buy this book, then throw
away all of the junk that has accumulated on your desk and bookshelves to make
room for this wonderful new acquisition."
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