An Eye-Opening,
Intuitive Approach to the More Subtle Problems of Analysis and Design
About the Book
Systems analysis and design have solved many problems, but they have also created
many problems. This unique book tackles crucial analysis and design issues that
are glossed over in conventional texts. It recognizes that while many problems
are solved with systems analysis and design, many problems are also created.
a short, highly readable essay format, Rethinking Systems Analysis & Design
presents readers with both the logical and the more intuitive aspects of the analysis/design
process. The book is not intended as an alternative to structured analysis and
design, but rather as a supplement for those who must deal with the less structured
processes of analysis and design.
A witty and illustrative fable concludes
each of this engaging book's seven parts. Among the informative topics are
mastering complexity
general systems thinking
and interviewing
trading off quality versus cost
the designer's mind
design philosophy.
"Almost everything in this book translates directly
into your own environment. . . . [You'll] find more wonderful stories, anecdotes,
and fables in this book than you're likely to find even in a book on a more interesting
subject than systems analysis!"
Managing End-User
"This isn't just another systems analysis and design
book, but one about the problems and possible solutions encountered when implementing
a structured approach."
"For over twenty years, Gerald Weinberg has been enlivening the often
solemn scene of design methodology with his distillations of experience into expertise.
His collections of essays, anecdotes, and consolidated wisdom are always inspiring
and entertaining: his new work in this tradition will be good reading not only
for designers but for anyone wanting to understand design, particularly the users
and managers of information systems. . . . Until we do have the Grand Unified
Theory of Design (if this is even possible), life lessons such as those in this
book will continue to be the most useful guide there is, both for introducing
prospective practitioners and for reminding the old hands of what they may occasionally
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