1.1 Your Project Starts Here 1.2 Start with
the Context 1.3 What About the Business Data? 1.4 The Piccadilly
Organization 1.5 Building the Data Dictionary 1.6 Selling
the Airtime 1.7 Strategy: Focusing on the Essentials 1.8
Identifying Events 1.9 Modeling an Event Response 1.10 Refining
an Event Response 1.11 Writing Mini Specifications 1.12
Another Event Response 1.13 More Events 1.14 Some New Requirements 1.15 CRUD Check 1.16 Strategy: Toward Implementation 1.17
Piccadilly's New Environment 1.18 Analysis Strategy
2.1 Analysis Models 2.2 Data Flow Diagrams
2.3 A Variety of Viewpoints 2.4 Data Viewpoint 2.5
Data Models 2.6 More on Data Flow Diagrams 2.7 Leveled
Data Flow Diagrams 2.8 Current Physical Viewpoint 2.9
Data Dictionary 2.10 Essential Viewpoint 2.11 Event-Response
Models 2.12 Mini Specifications 2.13 Modeling New Requirements
2.14 New Physical Viewpoint 2.15 Object-Oriented Viewpoint
3.1 Review: Start with the Context 3.2 Review: What
About the Business Data? 3.3 Review: The Piccadilly Organization 3.4 Review: Building the Data Dictionary 3.5 Review: Selling
the Airtime 3.6 Complete Current Physical Model 3.7 Review:
Identifying Events 3.8 Review: Modeling an Event Response 3.9
Review: Refining an Event Response 3.10 Review: Writing Mini Specifications 3.11 Review: Another Event Response 3.12 Review: More Events 3.13 Review: Some New Requirements 3.14 Review: CRUD Check
4.1 Solutions: Analysis Models 4.2 Solutions: Data
Flow Diagrams 4.3 Solutions: Data Models 4.4 Solutions:
More on Data Flow Diagrams 4.5 Solutions: Leveled Data Flow Diagrams
4.6 Solutions: Data Dictionary 4.7 Solutions: Event-Response
Models 4.8 Solutions: Mini Specifications
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